Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Craving-filled Valentine's Day!

I like to celebrate all Valentine's Days as if they are a very special occasion.  For some, if it isn't a milestone year, the day can be routine, but if you make it special every year, it can feel as if every year is a milestone.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Grillin & Chillin

There is nothing better on a warm day, than to cook out.  Seriously, in my opinion, everything tastes better on the grill.  My husband has always been good at grilling, but this past week, we found a new favorite meal.  It is so easy it is practically criminal.

Friday, February 10, 2017

I'm In Love...

I'm in love... with the Boro Restaurant!!!  I can't even explain how good their food is but I'm sure going to try.  Since our Anniversary falls exactly one week before Valentine's Day, the hubs and I decided to celebrate both over the weekend between the two.  Tonight, he surprised me by suggesting we eat at Boro.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Eastern NC Places to Eat Out

Instead of recipes today, I thought I would outline all of the awesome places I've been able to eat Gluten Free in Eastern North Carolina.  After all, a person can't cook every night.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Another Southern Favorite... With a Twist!

Two of the most delicious things in the south are biscuits and gravy, and chicken and waffles.  I haven't been able to make GF biscuits that come anywhere close to the Pilsbury Grands, because no gluten means no light and fluffy biscuits.  As for chicken and waffles, I am not the best at making fried chicken.  But, I am good at making waffles and gravy, and in this house we make bacon waffles!  So, in today's blog, I'm going to give you the recipe for my Bacon Waffles with Sausage Gravy.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Viva La South!

Well it is early February and contrary to my former home in NY being under multiple feet of snow at this time of year, lovely NC is 70 degrees!  So in honor of the amazing South, I am posting a southern favorite... Shrimp & Grits!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Gone Too Long & Samoa Apples

Hello Friends!  Apologies for being gone for so long, but I spent the last year moving from NY to NC and then renting from friends.  Given the limited amount of space, and living out of boxes and a storage unit, I am sorry to say my inspiration to cook went out the window for a while.  I'm back now and I bring to you the Gluten Free equivalent of the Samoa Girl Scout Cookie... in apple form.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Seafood Delight

Some days you just crave yummy appetizers.  Baked stuffed clams are one of those foods that are very versatile because they come in that shell ready to go.  It makes it really easy to serve at parties.  Folks can just grab and go.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Chicken Fried

Zac Brown Band sang:
"You know I like my chicken fried
And cold beer on a Friday night
A pair of jeans that fit just right
And the radio up"
Which just about sums up this evening,

Saturday, February 21, 2015

An Old Favorite

I decided to go back to my Italian palate tonight and cook an old favorite of mine, Chicken Cacciatore.  It is so simple to make and just the smell of it cooking takes me back to my childhood, in the kitchen while my grandmother made this.